Red Squadron Open - végeredmény

2018/11/15. - írta: Promie Motz


A száraz számok a versenyről - eredmények

A lsitákat kérlek, ebbe a listába töltsétek fel.


Helyezés Név Invitational-re megy-e Nyert meccsek száma MoV SoS
1 Szentandrássy Dániel Igen (korábban bejutott) 5 1288 0.57
2 Patkós Ferenc Igen 4 1463 0.6
3 Takács István Igen (korábban bejutott) 4 1429 0.48
4 Sípos Kristóf Igen 4 1398 0.6
5 Szauter Zoltán Nem 4 1347 0.68
6 Tóth Benjámin Igen (korábban bejutott) 4 1325 0.6
7 Kovács Bence Nem 4 1228 0.64
8 Mészáros Mátyás Igen 4 1126 0.56
9 Módos Gergő Nem 4 992 0.52
10 Greiner Tamás Igen (korábban bejutott) 3 1311 0.46
11 Pap Róbert Igen (korábban bejutott) 3 1260 0.44
12 Havasi Áron Igen (korábban bejutott) 3 1195 0.45
13 Kovács Imre Igen 3 1178 0.44
14 Szabó Andris Nem 3 1172 0.56
15 Laskovicz Mihály Nem 3 1169 0.48
16 Remport Gábor 3 1139 0.6
17 Liska Gergely 3 1122 0.56
18 Harangozó Andris 3 1057 0.6
19 Piedl Zsolt 3 1047 0.52
20 Ágoston Tibor 3 965 0.52
21 Berkes Ákos 3 928 0.52
22 Négyesi János 2 1068 0.56
23 Bodnár Attila 2 1044 0.4
24 Négyesi Réka 2 975 0.72
25 Rafy 2 954 0.52
26 Lóczy Zoltán 2 909 0.52
27 Remport László 2 898 0.55
28 Tóth Gábor 2 882 0.41
29 Dubics Ákos Beugró hős 2 860 0.55
30 Tóth Péter 2 852 0.41
31 Vígh Belon András 2 823 0.36
32 Győrfi Gergely 2 770 0.56
33 Badalik Zsolt 2 748 0.5
34 Budai Balázs 1 709 0.4
35 Mészáros Ferenc 1 694 0.4
0 (D#5)Szabó Gergő 1 684 0.5
36 Bertók Márton 1 624 0.35
0 (D#5)Papp Martin 1 589 0.5
37 Budai Miklós 1 586 0.52
38 Bíró Zoltán 1 552 0.44
39 Timkó Attila 0 740


Round 1

1: Papp Martin VS Havasi Áron - Match Results: Havasi Áron is the winner 41 to 200
2: Greiner Tamás VS Mészáros Mátyás - Match Results: Mészáros Mátyás is the winner 168 to 200
3: Dubics Ákos VS Patkós Ferenc - Match Results: Patkós Ferenc is the winner 14 to 200
4: Laskovicz Mihály VS Liska Gergely - Match Results: Liska Gergely is the winner 63 to 125
5: Kovács Bence VS Módos Gergő - Match Results: Kovács Bence is the winner 200 to 56
6: Szabó Gergő VS Szentandrássy Dániel - Match Results: Szentandrássy Dániel is the winner 126 to 137
7: Győrfi Gergely VS Bodnár Attila - Match Results: Győrfi Gergely is the winner 200 to 56
8: Szauter Zoltán VS Tóth Gábor - Match Results: Szauter Zoltán is the winner 200 to 75
9: Bíró Zoltán VS Mészáros Ferenc - Match Results: Bíró Zoltán is the winner 163 to 143
10: Pap Róbert VS Budai Balázs - Match Results: Pap Róbert is the winner 162 to 26
11: Piedl Zsolt VS Tóth Péter - Match Results: Piedl Zsolt is the winner 200 to 167
12: Lóczy Zoltán VS Tóth Benjámin - Match Results: Tóth Benjámin is the winner 63 to 200
13: Harangozó Andris VS Ágoston Tibor - Match Results: Harangozó Andris is the winner 132 to 78
14: Takács István VS Négyesi Réka - Match Results: Négyesi Réka is the winner 79 to 200
15: Négyesi János VS Badalik Zsolt - Match Results: Négyesi János is the winner 200 to 0
16: Remport Gábor VS Rafy - Match Results: Remport Gábor is the winner 79 to 59
17: Bertók Márton VS Kovács Imre - Match Results: Kovács Imre is the winner 43 to 200
18: Budai Miklós VS Sípos Kristóf - Match Results: Sípos Kristóf is the winner 45 to 200
19: Szabó Andris VS Vígh Belon András - Match Results: Szabó Andris is the winner 200 to 65
20: Berkes Ákos VS Timkó Attila - Match Results: Berkes Ákos is the winner 65 to 58
Remport László has a BYE

Round 2

1: Berkes Ákos VS Harangozó Andris - Match Results: Berkes Ákos is the winner 112 to 89
2: Négyesi János VS Kovács Bence - Match Results: Kovács Bence is the winner 82 to 110
3: Szauter Zoltán VS Piedl Zsolt - Match Results: Szauter Zoltán is the winner 200 to 75
4: Remport László VS Sípos Kristóf - Match Results: Sípos Kristóf is the winner 45 to 200
5: Bíró Zoltán VS Liska Gergely - Match Results: Liska Gergely is the winner 95 to 200
6: Szentandrássy Dániel VS Pap Róbert - Match Results: Szentandrássy Dániel is the winner 101 to 91
7: Tóth Benjámin VS Négyesi Réka - Match Results: Tóth Benjámin is the winner 200 to 97
8: Remport Gábor VS Kovács Imre - Match Results: Remport Gábor is the winner 105 to 32
9: Patkós Ferenc VS Szabó Andris - Match Results: Patkós Ferenc is the winner 200 to 73
10: Mészáros Mátyás VS Havasi Áron - Match Results: Mészáros Mátyás is the winner 200 to 136
11: Győrfi Gergely VS Tóth Gábor - Match Results: Győrfi Gergely is the winner 200 to 139
12: Bertók Márton VS Rafy - Match Results: Rafy is the winner 0 to 156
13: Bodnár Attila VS Dubics Ákos - Match Results: Bodnár Attila is the winner 200 to 56
14: Budai Miklós VS Budai Balázs - Match Results: Budai Miklós is the winner 200 to 147
15: Vígh Belon András VS Papp Martin - Match Results: Papp Martin is the winner 110 to 200
16: Laskovicz Mihály VS Lóczy Zoltán - Match Results: Laskovicz Mihály is the winner 200 to 117
17: Takács István VS Mészáros Ferenc - Match Results: Takács István is the winner 176 to 41
18: Szabó Gergő VS Greiner Tamás - Match Results: Greiner Tamás is the winner 29 to 200
19: Módos Gergő VS Timkó Attila - Match Results: Módos Gergő is the winner 126 to 113
20: Tóth Péter VS Ágoston Tibor - Match Results: Ágoston Tibor is the winner 106 to 200
Badalik Zsolt has a BYE

Round 3

1: Tóth Benjámin VS Remport Gábor - Match Results: Tóth Benjámin is the winner 200 to 159
2: Győrfi Gergely VS Szentandrássy Dániel - Match Results: Szentandrássy Dániel is the winner 106 to 200
3: Kovács Bence VS Berkes Ákos - Match Results: Kovács Bence is the winner 200 to 92
4: Liska Gergely VS Sípos Kristóf - Match Results: Sípos Kristóf is the winner 145 to 163
5: Mészáros Mátyás VS Szauter Zoltán - Match Results: Szauter Zoltán is the winner 38 to 200
6: Patkós Ferenc VS Rafy - Match Results: Patkós Ferenc is the winner 139 to 0
7: Remport László VS Budai Miklós - Match Results: Remport László is the winner 200 to 61
8: Harangozó Andris VS Bodnár Attila - Match Results: Harangozó Andris is the winner 200 to 91
9: Ágoston Tibor VS Takács István - Match Results: Takács István is the winner 41 to 200
10: Greiner Tamás VS Papp Martin - Match Results: Greiner Tamás is the winner 200 to 124
11: Bíró Zoltán VS Szabó Andris - Match Results: Szabó Andris is the winner 71 to 200
12: Pap Róbert VS Módos Gergő - Match Results: Módos Gergő is the winner 129 to 141
13: Négyesi Réka VS Havasi Áron - Match Results: Négyesi Réka is the winner 200 to 49
14: Piedl Zsolt VS Négyesi János - Match Results: Piedl Zsolt is the winner 200 to 105
15: Kovács Imre VS Badalik Zsolt - Match Results: Kovács Imre is the winner 200 to 142
16: Laskovicz Mihály VS Budai Balázs - Match Results: Laskovicz Mihály is the winner 200 to 123
17: Bertók Márton VS Mészáros Ferenc - Match Results: Mészáros Ferenc is the winner 152 to 178
18: Lóczy Zoltán VS Vígh Belon András - Match Results: Lóczy Zoltán is the winner 200 to 58
19: Tóth Gábor VS Szabó Gergő - Match Results: Tóth Gábor is the winner 200 to 124
20: Timkó Attila VS Tóth Péter - Match Results: Tóth Péter is the winner 68 to 122
Dubics Ákos has a BYE

Round 4

1: Szentandrássy Dániel VS Patkós Ferenc - Match Results: Szentandrássy Dániel is the winner 200 to 84
2: Kovács Bence VS Tóth Benjámin - Match Results: Tóth Benjámin is the winner 94 to 200
3: Szauter Zoltán VS Sípos Kristóf - Match Results: Sípos Kristóf is the winner 73 to 200
4: Módos Gergő VS Laskovicz Mihály - Match Results: Módos Gergő is the winner 159 to 72
5: Liska Gergely VS Takács István - Match Results: Takács István is the winner 75 to 200
6: Harangozó Andris VS Greiner Tamás - Match Results: Harangozó Andris is the winner 200 to 156
7: Berkes Ákos VS Remport László - Match Results: Berkes Ákos is the winner 200 to 63
8: Piedl Zsolt VS Szabó Andris - Match Results: Szabó Andris is the winner 141 to 200
9: Remport Gábor VS Győrfi Gergely - Match Results: Remport Gábor is the winner 200 to 59
10: Mészáros Mátyás VS Négyesi Réka - Match Results: Mészáros Mátyás is the winner 200 to 104
11: Kovács Imre VS Ágoston Tibor - Match Results: Ágoston Tibor is the winner 68 to 81
12: Papp Martin VS Tóth Péter - Match Results: Tóth Péter is the winner 134 to 200
13: Lóczy Zoltán VS Bíró Zoltán - Match Results: Lóczy Zoltán is the winner 200 to 73
14: Rafy VS Tóth Gábor - Match Results: Rafy is the winner 200 to 85
15: Havasi Áron VS Dubics Ákos - Match Results: Havasi Áron is the winner 120 to 10
16: Pap Róbert VS Budai Miklós - Match Results: Pap Róbert is the winner 200 to 98
17: Négyesi János VS Mészáros Ferenc - Match Results: Négyesi János is the winner 174 to 87
18: Badalik Zsolt VS Bodnár Attila - Match Results: Badalik Zsolt is the winner 157 to 148
19: Szabó Gergő VS Timkó Attila - Match Results: Szabó Gergő is the winner 200 to 58
20: Budai Balázs VS Bertók Márton - Match Results: Budai Balázs is the winner 200 to 63
Vígh Belon András has a BYE

Round 5

1: Szentandrássy Dániel VS Sípos Kristóf - Match Results: Szentandrássy Dániel is the winner 171 to 114
2: Tóth Benjámin VS Szauter Zoltán - Match Results: Szauter Zoltán is the winner 138 to 200
3: Takács István VS Berkes Ákos - Match Results: Takács István is the winner 200 to 69
4: Kovács Bence VS Remport Gábor - Match Results: Kovács Bence is the winner 200 to 146
5: Módos Gergő VS Szabó Andris - Match Results: Módos Gergő is the winner 141 to 117
6: Patkós Ferenc VS Harangozó Andris - Match Results: Patkós Ferenc is the winner 200 to 73
7: Mészáros Mátyás VS Négyesi János - Match Results: Mészáros Mátyás is the winner 200 to 104
8: Ágoston Tibor VS Budai Miklós - Match Results: Ágoston Tibor is the winner 200 to 129
9: Kovács Imre VS Remport László - Match Results: Kovács Imre is the winner 129 to 80
10: Badalik Zsolt VS Piedl Zsolt - Match Results: Piedl Zsolt is the winner 97 to 200
11: Tóth Péter VS Havasi Áron - Match Results: Havasi Áron is the winner 59 to 200
12: Lóczy Zoltán VS Greiner Tamás - Match Results: Greiner Tamás is the winner 60 to 200
13: Laskovicz Mihály VS Rafy - Match Results: Laskovicz Mihály is the winner 200 to 42
14: Liska Gergely VS Négyesi Réka - Match Results: Liska Gergely is the winner 161 to 63
15: Győrfi Gergely VS Dubics Ákos - Match Results: Dubics Ákos is the winner 0 to 200
16: Mészáros Ferenc VS Vígh Belon András - Match Results: Vígh Belon András is the winner 110 to 200
17: Bodnár Attila VS Budai Balázs - Match Results: Bodnár Attila is the winner 200 to 38
18: Tóth Gábor VS Bíró Zoltán - Match Results: Tóth Gábor is the winner 200 to 93
19: Pap Róbert VS Timkó Attila - Match Results: Pap Róbert is the winner 200 to 156
Bertók Márton has a BYE



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